Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Online Forms Of Communications, Like Social Media

Online forms of communications, like social media, have undoubtedly provided convenient methods to communicate with anyone at any moment. Adolescents have been reported to spend on average six hours consuming media (Wallace). The point when an unhealthy amount of time is spent on social media is when negative social risks can begin to present themselves—children and adolescents, who are experience significant brain growth and development, are the most at risk for social damage. Heidi, a thirteen-year-old girl previously described as a happy, sweet, and loving girl, screams â€Å"I’m going to kill you while you are both asleep† as she flails and kicks her father before biting his arm. This was Heidi’s second violent rage in a week because her parents took away her access to social media; this would also be the second time that she would be taken to a psychiatric emergency room (Kardaras). Heidi is one adolescent who has crossed the line of healthy social me dia usage and now has moved towards risks likes anxiety and depression, social media dependency, and inadequate social skills. Social media can negatively affect mental health causing by an overall decline in mental health, anxiety, and depression—adolescents who use media the most among their peers report being overall less content and are often unhappy(Carroll). On social media sites like Facebook, people can choose what version or parts of themselves they can show to people—so most people may choose to show the best parts.Show MoreRelatedHow Social Media Affects Our Lives1158 Words   |  5 PagesEverywhere, everyone, all the time, all around, people are on social media. Look anywhere, an adult can be found scrolling through social media, teenagers especially, and even the elderly can be found on some form of social media. Whether it is a status on Facebook, a  ¨selfie ¨ on Instagram, a tweet on Twitter, or a video on Snapchat, everyone connects through social media to improve their relationships. This simple form of online communication has affected everyone ´s relationships for the better. WhichRead MoreEssay on How Does Facebook and Twitter Affect Social Interaction1257 Words   |  6 Pagesfingertips. With the evolution of communications technology, methods of political participation and civic engagement have also changed to adapt to this advance made by mankind. Before, our choice was limited to holding demonstrations, going out to the streets, and protesting in order for our voices to be heard. Consequently, we had no choice but to resort to lobbying and writing letters to politicians for our concerns to be known. In the present time, communication among people has been made easierRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Society1328 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Media â€Å"Those that interact via social media on a daily basis are five times likelier to use tobacco, three times likelier to use alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana† (Stein). â€Å"It is important that parents evaluate the sites on which their child wishes to participate to be sure that the site is appropriate for that child’s age† (O keeffe, Clarke-Pearson). Parents and guardians of teens worry about what they do on the internet, while at the same time, the parents aren’t doing theirRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Today s World Essay1234 Words   |  5 Pagesin today’s world, so does the use of social media. Social media, as defined by Merriam-Webster is, â€Å"forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.† That definition is what will be implied from now forward. Social media and its growing popularity, especially among th e younger generations, has lead to difficulties with socialization skills. Although social media may come with other benefits, this sideRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Our Lives1608 Words   |  7 Pagesbeginning, face-to-face communication has been an important factor in our lives. This was the only source of communication for a long period of time. Over time, we developed new ways of communicating with each other such as emailing and talking on the phone. Human beings have become so reliant on the use of electronic devices to communicate. Although this is a good way to keep in touch with friends, it can become a serious problem to many individuals. The growth of social media sites began to grow inRead MoreThe Use Of Social Media On Society831 Words   |  4 PagesAdvancements in electronic communication have produced a multitude of new platforms in which people can connect to one another. These developments have torn down the geographic barriers previously separating peo ple and their ideas, making it easier and faster to connect with others and thus creating a new sense of community. Online communities where people can share their interests with like-minded people have been appearing rapidly and have revealed a new community that would have otherwise beenRead MoreSocial Media Has Affected The Way Human Interact With Each1402 Words   |  6 PagesSocial media has affected the way human interact with each other. Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking, which involves Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Adolescents use social media to make relationships that are really interment, but could be dangerous. Most adolescents do not interact with one another in person as much they use to before social media. Adolescents would rather video chat and messageRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Business Essay1288 Words   |  6 Pages2014 reflects a drastic change in the direction of social media. Now, more than ever, consumers are wary of businesses and advertisements. As a result, the trust falls to a third party – a brand or person who is not affiliated with the company receiving the promotion. What does that mean for your business? Businesses are encouraged to become their consumers’ friends, chatting about a product or something related, in a manner that is non-threatening, and even enjoyable. The most effective way forRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Communication827 Words   |  4 PagesImpact of Social Media on Communication Topic: Impact of social media on communication General Purpose: to inform Specific Purpose: to inform audience on how social media has changed the way we communicate with others Thesis: Social media has impacted the way we as a society use communication in our daily lives as well as in our business relationships. I. Introduction: a. Attention getter: You’re sitting at home bored and you don’t know what to do so you text your best friend to hang out. OrRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1644 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s day in age almost everyone has some form of social media. Many people have more than one. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or some other form. We all use it to express and communicate our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and the world. Because of this many people do not know how to communicate face to face anymore and many times even hide behind their keyboard. Keller (2013), Quotes Paul Booth an assistant professor of media and cinema studies saying â€Å"There has been a shift in the

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Cyber Warfare Struggle Of The Technological Era

Nick Colosimo Mr. O’Connor AP English IV 20 January 2014 The Cyber Warfare Struggle The widespread lack of trust that arose during the rise of the technological era was seen as mere paranoia. As the computer age advanced, this distrust decreased as more and more people became reliant upon computers and cell phones whether at work or at home. Along with this increase in reliance on technology came the increase in security and monitoring by the federal government. Mostly by the National Security Agency, this monitoring was very modest and seemed to be preventing harm. That is until our â€Å"computer wizards† (Hosenball) wised up to what they were actually doing. In monitoring the average person’s usage, they hacked into a general database of everyone’s information. The question was â€Å"If they could get into the database, what stopped anyone who had the technological capabilities.† Hosenball said regarding those computer wizards, â€Å"They know more than anyone just how vulnerable America is to a massive c yber attack.† The system itself is not the problem. The real problem is that the government is tripping over itself in trying to protect that system. President Obama has decided to leave the NSA in charge of cyber security when they don’t want that responsibility. Quoted in â€Å"The Turf War†, â€Å"NSA Chief Keith Alexander said his agency does â€Å"not want to run cyber security for the U.S. Government.†Ã¢â‚¬  The formation of a new agency could be the answer but that has been turned down severalShow MoreRelatedThe Delivery Of Law Enforcement907 Words   |  4 PagesLaw enforcement agencies could face severe budget cuts if the nation’s economy struggles and local tax revenues drop. The consequences of spending cuts may cost layoffs, reduced services, shuttered public facilities and badly needed infrastructure improvements pushed back even further (Tameez, 2014). The delivery of law enforcement services will fundamentally change as a result of severe budget cuts. Hundreds of officers in a single police department could be laid off, which means there will be fewerRead MoreWhat business and social problems does data center power consumption cause?4093 Words   |  17 Pagesis due to convenience (Chigona, 2012).Employees can check their email without having to login to different systems. The employee is also familiar with the Smartphone, this will allow for higher production. Some disadvantages are security risk and cyber slacking. According to Mahesh and Hooter (2013): â€Å"The challenge facing the business network manager is the need to securely manage company data on that device and in transit between the device and the corporate IT system. The device itself must beRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagespoints both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the lateRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 PagesWider systemic transformations including changes in political regimes, novel conceptions of management controls, the impact of globalizing forces on commercial aVairs, shifts in notions of eVective knowledge management, governance, and ethics, and technological advances, including the rise of broadband, have all impacted management accounting endeavours. The Weld is today, as fast-changing as it has ever been. This book captures key facets of current thoughts, concerns, and issues in management accounting

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Writings Of Karl Marx - 2063 Words

Allison Bierman SOC 3020 Strand December 11, 2014 Final Paper: Question #9 The writings of Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim each set out to discuss how an individual is connected to their social standing within society. Along with how social classes form their beginnings. Each of their theories are complex and require thorough analysis in order to fully understand their point of view. How social class is obtained in the United States is the question being posed. I will discuss which theory I personally think is best and most applicable to our modern society. I will thoroughly compare and contrast the works of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim; along with pointing out strengths and weaknesses in all three. It is first important to understand the meaning of social class. Sociologically speaking, the term social class is a way to divide individuals based upon their economic and social standing within the larger system of economic production. In the United States, the five most common social classes include: upper class-elite, upper mid dle class, lower middle class, working class, and poor. It is assumed that the more money one has, the higher their class status will be however there is always the possibility for outliers. Social class controls several aspects of our lives and is an extremely important factor when determining potential opportunities. Karl Marx is a sociological theorist who had great influence over how we currently look at social class. According to Marx,Show MoreRelatedBiography Of Karl Marx s Writing On Class Conflict1335 Words   |  6 Pagesociety is told that through hard work and dedication anyone can become successful. Success in the United States is looked at as being a part of the elite. Though it may seem like the status may easily be reached, this is not, in fact the case. Karl Marx’s writing on class conflict suggest otherwise. Class conflict is still very relevant in present day’s society and can be seen throughout the levels of class. In today’s society you can see class conflict in the way that working class is under paid suchRead MoreThe Writings Of Karl Marx, Adam Smith, And Andrew Carnegie1331 Words   |  6 PagesThe writings of Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Andrew Carnegie all made significant impacts in society not only in their time, but continuing to this day. Marx shared is opinions on capitalism and his views of the progression of human society in his writing, The Communist Manifesto which he wrote with Friedrich Engles and published in 1848. Marx believed in the idea of a society with no capitalism and the abolition of the bourgeoisie. Adam Smith wrote a book called The Wealth of Nations which was publishedRead MoreThe Writings Of Plato, Karl Marx And Frederick Engles, And Rene Descartes2290 Words   |  10 PagesThe writings of Plato, Karl Marx and Frederick Engles, and Rene Descartes attempt to address the question of how to produce happiness. Each philosopher believed that through the actualization of each of their utopian societies, a civilization can achieve happiness as well as perfection of mankind. The theories presented by Plato, Marx and Engles, and Descartes are idealistic and unfortunately impossible to completely represent. However, each philosopher conveys several unique ideas that can be practicallyRead MoreKarl Marx and Communism Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesKarl Marx and Communism Were Karl Marx ideas on communism moral? It is quite obvious that some societies do or did believe that communism was a good way of life. Even though there are many drawbacks to communism there are still some advantages. Karl Marx is a man of intrigue he only did what he wanted to and not what others wanted him to do. Upon completion of my research I feel that Marx was a very bright man. His ideas may not be all together but a man that can introduce communism to theRead MoreKarl Marx: Conflict Theory Essay878 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx: Conflict Theory The most influential socialist thinker from the 19th century is Karl Marx. Karl Marx can be considered a great philosopher, social scientist, historian or revolutionary. Marx proposed what is known as the conflict theory. The conflict theory looks at how certain social interactions occur through conflict. People engage in conflict everyday to gain more power then others in society. Karl Marx is known for studying the conflicts that occur between different classes. KarlRead MoreA Brief Look at Karl Marx769 Words   |  3 PagesA person does not have to positively impact the world to be influential. Karl Marx certainly left a mark on the world, but whether his impact was revolutionary or simply detrimental is up to debate. Marx was largely influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment figures like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Hegel. Most know him in regard to his writing the Communist Manifesto and its influence on revolutions that led to the formation of notoriously oppressive communist states. His ideas form the base ofRead MoreKarl Marx s Theory Of The Classical Era1699 Words   |  7 Pages Karl Marx’s Ideas on Sociological Theory in the Classical Era Karl Marx was a philosopher, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Born in 1818 in Prussia, part of the German Confederation. He later became jobless and was forced to move to London, England where he spent the rest of his life writing. Marx had many ideas that created radical people in several countries and ideas that cause many opinions to flourish about capitalism and democracy. Marx’s specific theories about society and theirRead More Biography of Karl Marx Essay1255 Words   |  6 PagesBiography of Karl Marx Karl Marx, the author of the Communist Manifesto, is viewed to be one of the greatest social thinkers of his time. His social, political and economical thoughts are still highly regarded today. The life of this man is stamped with many accomplishments and ideas that have been adopted by many prominent figures. As a historian, philosopher, and revolutionary, Karl Marx has helped shaped the society of the past, present and future. Karl Marx was bornRead More Biography of Karl Marx Essay1451 Words   |  6 PagesBiography of Karl Marx Karl Marx was a professional intellectual and philosopher. Throughout Marxs life, chance meetings with other professional intellectuals and philosophers helped guide Marx to his final destination. Although Marx died in March of 1883, some 122 years ago, his theories are still being studied, and in some cases, used in some governments. In his lifetime Marx explored many different social settings and groups. His final accumulation of work can be found inRead More Biography of Karl Marx Essay1558 Words   |  7 PagesBiography of Karl Marx Few names evoke as strong a response as Karl Marx. Some consider him a genius and a prophet, while others see only evil in his ideas. Everyone agrees that Marx stands among the social thinkers with the greatest impact on the worlds people. There are many people who pass into and out of our lives. It is those great people that are remembered forever. One great person is Karl Marx. He is an extraordinary person that has changed and shaped the way

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflections On Core Values And Self Inventory - 1755 Words

Reflections on Core Values and Self Inventory Stephanie Sciaudone University of Indianapolis Reflections on Core Values and Self Inventory As the Dalai Lama states, kindness is my religion. Kindness is the value I hold most dear, the highest ethic to which I can aspire, and the reason I chose nursing as a career. With ethics an active process and constant learning experience (Butts Rich, 2008), the ethics of kindness are based upon morality, the basic tenant of do unto others as you would have others do unto you. It is easy to classify kindness within the framework of common morality within our culture as a whole, although sometimes difficult to identify in a one-to-one ratio. Fahrenwald et al (2005) identify core values in nursing as â€Å"human dignity, integrity, autonomy, altruism, and social justice† (p. 46). I would factor in kindness as a key component to ethical nursing care. While I respect the concept of ethical relativism and cultural relativism in that ethics may be different among different cultures, kindness is better described as within ethical objectivism, as kindness is a universal moral pr inciple based on moral reasoning (Butts Rich, 2008). This may be seen as putting kindness into Socrates’ realm of moral reasoning and critical thinking, both key factors to becoming a successful nurse (Butts Rich, 2008). I prefer to take a care-based approach in conjunction with a scientific inquiry approach to patient care. As such, I would prefer toShow MoreRelatedThe Self Esteem Of Adolescent Females Through Delving Into And Reconnoitering Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pagesfeelings we hold about ourselves involves self-esteem (Myers, Willse, Villalba, 2011). Challenging boundaries, discovering our beliefs and values, and exploring who we are as people starts in adolescence (Arnett, 2013). Usually personality and self-esteem conflict is often challenged at an increased rate in females in the midst of this period of transition (McNeely Blanchard, 2010). By definition we are designing a group proposal to develop and expand the self-esteem in adolescent females through del vingRead MoreEthical Lens Inventory Essay876 Words   |  4 Pagesexample. Making honest and respectable decisions will demonstrate an honest lifestyle that everyone could maintain and live. What I learned through the Ethical Lens Inventory: Through the Ethical Lens Inventory I learned that my ethics has some weaknesses and strengths. I also have a blind spot. It showed me my classic and core values. It showed me that my definition of ethical behavior is like my personal ethic statement it is creating the greatest good by living out role responsibility. PreferredRead MorePersonal Value Philosophy Paper1461 Words   |  6 PagesThe past twenty five years have been brutal in regards to public opinion polls and the attention given to our public officials and their ethical standards. â€Å"Several have expressed the belief that our leaders are, at best, self-interested or, at worst, corrupt, thereby contributing to the problem. In addressing the public’s concern, some officials have attempted to explain this â€Å"unfortunate situation† by attributing it to a general decline in personal ethics, the inevitable result of increased powerRead MoreThe Leadership Practices Inventory : Lpi 3601213 Words   |  5 Pageschallenged, are boons to one’s career; consequently, success accompanies failure, and growth as a leader begins. Positive behaviors are reinforced by prompt open recognition, while adverse behaviors are addressed privately and are a cause for self-reflection. Learning from these incidents has shaped the l eader I’ve become. Leadership as a definition continually evolves in my world. Notwithstanding, there are elements that remain permanently anchored in this definition, such as respect, purpose, collaborationRead MoreThe Leader As A Strategist Report1376 Words   |  6 Pagesyour organization, consider the following questions: Based on the Harley Davidson’s mission, vision, and value statements the message is clear and not complex. H-D is committed to fulfilling dreams and creating memorable experiences for their customers and their core values define the manner in which that should happen from a customer service standpoint. Even though each of their five core values are simpler and no more than three words long, which are 1. Tell the truth 2. Be fair 3. Keep your promisesRead MoreLeadership Theory Of Leadership Development1246 Words   |  5 Pagesleader who considers in an open communication. I also believe you can acquire the most, and progress the most by engaging in honest, expressive conversations with the other people at all levels. I believe in standards and values that create asset, reliability and rationality. The values that I am looking for are right atmosphere, creativity, innovations, authenticity and pellucidity, even when it is a disconsolate condition of organization. I want to mak e sure we will build such a work climate that willRead MoreAction Research Project : Oversite Of Operations Essay1542 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Project - Oversite of Operations Synopsis of this paper contends with action research, and looks into processes and starts with genuine reflection coordinated toward recognizing a point or themes deserving of a implementing change within an organization. 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They have a developed a positive work culture that gives recognition and encourages staff to work alongsideRead MoreEthics Reflection Paper1087 Words   |  5 PagesEthics Reflection Paper Ethics and social responsibility are key factors when planning one’s personal life or planning for the success of a business. When companies develop strategic plans, they must consider what role ethics will play and how social responsibility will affect the plan keeping stakeholders need at the forefront. If businesses and individuals are making a conscious effort to display ethical behavior, ethical perspectives and beliefs should evolve over time much like what has happenedRead MoreTeaching Perspectives Inventory ( Tpi ) Essay1546 Words   |  7 Pages Completing the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) made me curious and a little unsettled, is this a useful tool for reflecting on my teaching. My first question on viewing my results was how did I end up here, with this label. One’s dominate perspective is the resulting cocktail of years of being a learner, in a variety of domestic, academic or community settings, involving responding, reacting and observing ones teachers. Pratt DD (Ed) (1997) Blended with personal  choices, intentions, beliefs

Animal Farm a Fairy Story - 1230 Words

Jennifer Gonzalez Mrs. Metzger Class 212 April 18, 2012 Animal Farm: A Fairy Story Chapter 3 and 4 5. Topics Themes: power to control others a. Almost all the animals were in some degree literate. The pigs know how to read and write perfectly, most of the animals know how to read and write, expect for some slower ones that don’t know how to write or read. Literacy matters because it helps better understand the animals whats going on and to educate others. Those that know how to read and write are in power because they are the ones who are most intelligent and understand what is happening. b. Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could be reduced to one commandment. This new maxim is†¦show more content†¦The pigs get up an hour later because they need their rest to improve the farm. This might represents b. The pigs represent the leaders of Russia and the communist dictatorship in Russia (Soviet Union). c. Squealer manipulates the language of the Fourth Commandment by telling Muriel that they are sleeping on the beds but with no sheets because they are manm ade. Instead they are sleeping on blankets. He tries to confuse Muriel and tell him that sheets and blankets are different. 8. Scapegoating: a. The windmill is destroyed when it was nearly half built. I believe that one of the humans may have tampered with it or that the animals didn’t make the structure sturdy enough. b. Snowball is being blamed for the destruction of the windmill. c. The significance of using Snowball as a scapegoat is because he is already seem bad in front of the animals and many know that many still believe in Snowball and want to ruin their hopes. Also because since he isn’t there they want to pinpoint it on someone who they think would want to harm them. Chapter 7 2. Topics and Themes: Power to control others –turning on one another a. Snowball was supposed to be tampering with everyone’s things. He was destroying and damaging the animals property and telling the animals what to do. b. Squealer finally convinced Boxer that Snowball was a traitor because Squealer told Boxer that Napoleon had said that Snowball was a traitor and BoxerShow MoreRelatedAnimal Farm: A Fairy Story: Why do you think Orwell chose to use a fable in his condemnation of Soviet communism and totalitarianism?1786 Words   |  8 Pagescalled animal farm: a fairy story and was most likely based on the Russian Revolution which occurred during 1917 to 1945. There are many reasons to which why George Orwell would have used a fable in his condemnation of Soviet communism and totalitarianism. George Orwell used talking animals to show their interaction of these animals to help link things about humans that he can link to animals in the world. George Orwells book contained many animals which seemed to be imprisoned on a farm by theirRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1392 Words   |  6 PagesWords In what was a vastly controversial novel published in 1945, George Orwell’s Animal Farm describes the horrific brand of communism in the Soviet Union and the conscious blindness that most of the West accepted at that time. Although Orwell labeled Animal Farm as a fairy tale, this historically parallel novel branches into the genres of political satire, fable, and allegory as well. What made Animal Farm so controversial among the â€Å"British socialists† and Western countries was its criticismRead MoreAnimal Farm: the Danger of an Uneducated Working Class and the Use of Language as Instrumental to the Abuse Ofpower1791 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"ANIMAL FARM† by George Orwell â€Å"The Danger of an Uneducated Working Class and the Use of Language as Instrumental to the Abuse of Power† Teacher: De Giacomi, Ana Carolina. Student: Resoalbe, Cecilia Analà ­. English History and Literature of the Twentieth Century. ANIMAL FARM: â€Å"The Danger of an Uneducated Working Class and The Use of Language as Instrumental to the Abuse of Power† Born in 1903, Eric Arthur Blair, better known as George Orwell, was an English political novelist and journalistRead MoreLord of the Flies and Animal Farm Comparison1531 Words   |  7 PagesThese two books, despite the vastly different themes and story lines, both display similar meanings. Orwells story tells of farmyard disorder and the fatal lives of a group of farmyard animals. It is just as politically minded as Goldings tale of a life or death situation for a group of boys stranded on an island left with the supposed task of installing democracy into their new lives. The two books display themes of a slightly similar nature. They both focus on certain points, they both revolveRead MoreCauses And Slavery In George Orwells Animal Farm766 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm† is a novella about the rebellion of farm animals against their owner. It was a satirical, dystopian book, commenting on Soviet Russia at the time (Wikipedia). The book is a great journey into the mind of farm animals that have had enough of being abused. A classic story such as this can only be described as a fairy tale, but for adults. In the beginning of the book, the farm’s owner, Mr.Jones comes home and goes straight to bed. Knowing that they are safe to congregateRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell922 Words   |  4 Pages4th, 2014 Animal Farm Analysis Animal Farm is a fairy tale story based on the Russian Revolution. The story can be related to almost any revolution because the main idea involves dictatorship. In this essay, Animal Farm will be compared to the events and people that were involved in the French Revolution. The animals in Mr. Jones farm were treated harshly, like the lower class citizens of France. The common element in both was that there was no middle class, the French and the animals on the farmRead More Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay978 Words   |  4 Pagespiece of satire, Animal Farm. The main targets at the brunt of this political satire are the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and the leaders involved in it. George Orwell successfully condemns these targets through satirical techniques such as irony, fable, and allegory. The immediate object of attack in Orwells political satire is the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The events narrated in Animal Farm obviously andRead MoreAnalysis Of Animal Farm By George Oswell1094 Words   |  5 PagesAnimal Farm is a story written by George Oswell and is an amusing but heartbreaking mockery on the dominance of Soviet communism and the Russian revolution in the form of a fairy tale featuring animals who can talk, walk and live amongst each other trying to survive day to day struggles of life on the farm in which the animals live. The setting of the story takes place in England in a field where the close knit group of animal’s rebel against their owner Mr. Jones and forge an extraordinary attackRead MoreAnother Cinderella Story861 Words   |  4 PagesPolitically Correct Cinderella We all know the story about Cinderella who starts out by being simple farm girl. And of course we also know the evil stepmother and stepsisters, and the fairy good mother. We also know about the ending where Cinderella gets the beautiful prince and they lived happily ever after. There is also another version of the story. Politically Correct Cinderella is the funnier and modern parody of the Traditional Cinderella story. Politically Correct Cinderella written by JamesRead MoreOrwell s Animal Farm As A Critique Of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation And How Tyranny Operates1475 Words   |  6 PagesOrwell’s Animal Farm as a critique of Bourgeoisie- Proletariat Relation and How Tyranny Operates Literature is said to be the mirror of a society and one of the major functions of it has been to make people aware of their surroundings as well as themselves. While many writers of today might digress from the true purpose of writing, the classics have always held a special place in what may be called as the awakening of the individuals. In this context, George Orwell’s Animal Farm- A Fairy Story, which

Controlling Routine Frontline Service Workers †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Controlling Routine Frontline Service Workers. Answer: Introduction: Engaged employees are productive as the productivity comes from the motivation and personal factors. The efficient workforce brings the success to the organisation. As stated by Katou Budhwar (2015), the management of the organisation needs human capital in order to provide customer satisfaction and to run smooth operation process. If the employees within an organisation disorganised due to lack of motivation, team-bonding, the culture of the organisation and interest; the productivity of the organisation will decrease automatically. In the supermarket sector, the employee engagement is low in Australia; the main reason is lower employee retention rate. According to Sutton, Kamvounias Taylor (2015), lower engagement of the employees creates lower absenteeism and higher focus towards motivation. In the Australian retail sector, 25% of the employees are not engaged and disengaged employees can drop 18% of the productivity; therefore, it can lead to 56% drop in quality (Abs.gov.au, 20 18). In supermarket sector, lack of employee engagement can cause to poor quality control, customer relations, innovation absenteeism, poor teamwork and discouraging team building. In supermarket sector, sales executives play important role in providing customer satisfaction and negative employee engagement can discourage the employees and inflect the morale. Independent Grocers of Australia (IGA) sells general products and groceries to the customers. This supermarket organisation has its stores in South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. The employees are not engaged in the organisation as last year employee turnover rate has been increased by 5% (Iga.com.au, 2018). The employees are leaving the organisation; therefore, the organisational productivity is also decreased. The aim of the research is to explore the influence of employee engagement on organisational productivity. The focus of the study is IGA Australia, an independent supermarket. The objectives of the study are: To find out the issues of employee engagement in supermarket Australia To highlight the strategies of organisational productivity in IGA Australia To explore the influence of employee engagement on organisational productivity To provide some possible recommendations to improve the employee engagement in IGA Australia to have better organisational productivity Brief methodology As stated by Hatherley, Jennings Cross (2016), a literature review is the main secondary data collected from scholarly articles of the renowned authors. In the literature review section, the scholarly articles have been reviewed based on the theoretical framework of employee engagement and organisational productivity. In the literature review section, the theories and models of the employee engagement in the Australian supermarket sector will be reviewed based on the information from articles, government reports and websites. The current issues of the employee engagement in the Australian supermarket sector that leads to the lack of employee engagement will be explained. Secondary data of the literature review will be aligned through the collecting of the primary data. Primary data are mainly raw data that would be collected through a survey of the respondents. The researcher will collect the primary data through conducting the interviews with the customer service representatives. The researcher will prepare 5 open-ended questions to conduct the interviews. The sample size of the interviews will be 3 and the researcher will conduct a structured interview to record the data. This study will use secondary data mainly from the online articles, websites, online magazines, Australian government reports and journals. The secondary data sources will provide the information regarding the employee engagement issues in supermarket sectors. The major issues of the employee engagement and past statistics will be collected from secondary data sources. The researcher will review scholarly papers in order to understand the organisational productivity. The annual report of IGA will also be considered. Once the data are collected from the secondary data sources, all variables of the data will be segregated and analysed. As pointed out by Painkas et al., (2015), secondary data are cost-efficient and time-saving. The secondary data sources will be analysed through using thematic data analysis. Thematic data analysis is done through examining, pinpointing and reviewing the secondary data after segmenting the themes of the research. This research will be qualitative research as the observation of the customer service representatives and recording patterns of the secondary data will be analysed. Reference List Hatherley, C., Jennings, N., Cross, R. (2016). Time to analgesia and pain score documentation best practice standards for the Emergency DepartmentA literature review.Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal,19(1), 26-36. IGA Supermarkets | Independent Grocers of Australia. (2018). IGA Supermarkets. Retrieved 3 April 2018, from https://www.iga.com.au Katou, A. A., Budhwar, P. (2015). Human resource management and organisational productivity: a systems approach based empirical analysis.Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,2(3), 244-266. Mone, E. M., London, M. (2018).Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), 533-544. Price, R. (2016). Controlling routine frontline service workers: an Australian retail supermarket case. Work, employment and society,30(6), 915-931. Retail Trade, Australia, Jan 2018. (2018). Abs.gov.au. Retrieved 3 April 2018, from https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Lookup/8501.0Explanatory%20Notes1Jan%202018?OpenDocument Sutton-Brady, C., Kamvounias, P., Taylor, T. (2015). A model of supplier-retailer power asymmetry in the Australian retail industry. Industrial marketing management,51, 122-130.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Philosophy in Science for Interpretation - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Philosophy in Science for Design and Interpretation. Answer: Introduction The assignment contains a research design that is used to understand customer expectation towards a product and develop a marketing strategy accordingly. Research aim The aim of the research is to understand customer behavior towards a certain product and understanding their different perspective towards robot cleaners. Research questions The research questions are written as follows:- How the customer scan be attracted to the new product? How their attitudes will be towards the new product? Research purpose The purpose of the report is to understand how customers behave with technologies which replace manual tasks and automate them. Limitations of the research The only limitations of the research was lack of timing and economic resources to conduct the research. Methodology To collect information about the product from the customers, two specific methodologies will be used. The first methodology is basic questionnaires and the second methodology is interviews (Meyers, Gamst and Guarino 2016). The target group for the questionnaire will be working people from the age of 30 and above. These people are assumed to be busy with their household chores and get little or no time to clean their houses properly. A list of open, closed and multi response question need to be formulated in a question paper to understand the opinions of customer towards vacuum cleaners. Questions with ambiguity should be avoided. The data needs to be gathered and analyzed to measure customer satisfaction and key influences. The questionnaire will be conducted in cafes and shopping malls where customer has ample time to answer the questions properly. Questions whether regarding whether the customers need a helping hand in cleaning or are they comfortable with a machine running around their house can be asked to understand their general views about iRobot. The second methodology that can be adopted to understand about customer expectation towards the product is with simple interviews. The interviews can be conducted in an open mall or shopping areas and the target group should be individuals who are working and above 25 years old. If the individuals think that iRobot is a good idea, then their reasoning should be understood in detail. Their opinions towards robots cleaning a house instead of a human can also shed light on certain aspects of the product. Analysis The data from the questionnaires are evaluated for any error. The male and female responses are analyzed differently. The data from interviews are also collected and segregated according to the sex. More than 90% of male interviewers are happy with the concept of iRobot as most of them spend their day away in their offices. Female interviewers have a 60% acceptance rate as the concept of automated vacuum cleaning is still new. Discussion As the concept of iRobot is still new, through epistemological beliefs of interpretive framework, the positive side of the concept can be generalized through research and statistics. More than 50% of the researched individuals have accepted the technology but some of them have not as they want a system which will assist them in their cleaning process rather than replacing them. The constructivist belief of research paradigm needs to be taken as different people have different view about iRobot and the reality needs to be interpreted for better marketing opportunities (Milton and Rodgers 2013). Conclusion The interview format is more beneficial in this context than questionnaire as it gives the interviewer ample time to change the questions. Through positivism, the interviewer can interpret the logistics, statistics and scientific approach with the questions to understand how society thinks about the particular product and how the views can be changed with a slight change in the marketing approach. References Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G. and Guarino, A.J., 2016.Applied multivariate research: Design and interpretation. Sage publications. Milton, A. and Rodgers, P., 2013.Research methods for product design. Laurence King Publishing.